Information is something that happens to you. You’re on the receiving end of its infinite flow. It is indifferent to your consumption capacity, let alone habits and preferences. You apply tags, write notes, and put them in folders, but you are ultimately overwhelmed by it; every time, all the time.
It is also rarely just that, it includes opinions, biases, and arguments often presented as facts. Information is also fragmented–any collection of data (text, images, or videos) represents a limited set of information relative to the overall subject.

Our mission in Axis is to create a new way for enterprises to consume and act on mission critical information by structuring, programming, and visualizing data.
The goal of this aggregation is to turn the tide where instead of the current indiscriminate and out-of-context flows of data, there is a singular point of contact that can provide the user with superior access while maintaining a sense of trust, delight, and agency.
- Trust: Axis’s information is reliable -- “I believe this. Everything is sourced, robust and comprehensive.”
- Delight: Axis interfaces feel magical -- “This is obvious and fast. The product is intuitive to me. I know where to go to do things. I prefer using Axis to looking at my consultants’ docs or googling stuff.”
- Agency: Using Axis puts you in control -- “I’m driving and can go where I want. I am not constrained and can browse across my industries and geographies or dive into a specific key player, event, or regulation. I can go where I want, drill down to whatever I want, and get that information to whomever I want.”
This solution specifically resonates with externally-facing corporate teams. They include government affairs, corporate communications, marketing, and business development. All of them regularly do some version of this:

Depending on whether this is done internally or through consultants, this flow is either time intensive or expensive. And beyond that, it’s working through multiple streams, attempting to capture all this data somewhere though most of the time it ends up going out of date in multiple sheets, docs, emails, and PDFs.
With Axis, all relevant information flows through a singular platform that users can easily find and act on (eg search, filter, annotate, export, share, set notifications etc).

To achieve this, when building Axis we had three principles:
- Simple and scalable architecture that has infrastructural codependencies and sequences. This meant that the first thing we developed was a data structure that is atomic, modular, and expansive.
- Humans for the best, machines for the rest so that we populate this architecture using public feeds, ML classification models, and then join these datasets based on relationship tagging rules.
- One database, many interfaces means all this data, forms a singular master relational database of information that can now be represented in various ways based on user needs. Among others, these include temporal (feeds), relational (networks), and geographic (maps).
The world today is a bigger place than it was a generation ago. There are more jurisdictions to trade with, less consensus on global norms, and increased innovation across every industry. In a world like that, enterprises need a tool that makes information assemble around their workflows, not the other way around. We are the company to solve this problem.